The Governess or Nanny is more frequently seen in the main hall and often seen with the two girls Emily and Charlotte. It appears that visitors at Leap seem to have more interaction than the current owners. Guests have reported being touched or having someone brush past them. A friend of Sean Ryan was having lunch at Leap Castle one day and both him another female guest sitting near the fire saw a proud lady in Victorian attire wall diagonally across the main hall. After discussing what they both saw, the previously skeptical neighbour has changed his thoughts.
An old man has been seen numerous times sitting peacefully by the fire in the main hall.
As described by Mildred Darby:
There is a little old man, with a green cut-away coat, knee breeches, and bright shoe buckles, holding a leathern bag in his hand. Sometimes seen with a little old woman with skinny hands, long black mits, old fashioned dress and a big head-dress. Both are sometimes seen with an old man dressed like a priest, with an intensely cunning face. The green old man tries to stop people.